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  • Writer's pictureAmy Voltz

The Peace of the Holy Spirit

Updated: Jan 12

I wish there were a way to explain to a nonbeliever that feeling of peace you get when the Holy Spirit comforts you. It truly does surpass all understanding. Most of us know that nagging feeling that you should take another way home, or the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you that you’re in danger. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the feeling of peace through Christ.

I’ve known Jesus since I was a child, and throughout my life there were many times I knew that He was directing me towards something. He’s led me to jobs, friends, and recently He led me to retirement. After twenty-six years as a school counselor, I started to struggle with the 950 students to 1 counselor ratio. I’ve had autoimmune diseases for years, and the stress was starting to take a toll on me. It was the first day of the 2020-2021 school year, and I was overwhelmed. Parents wanted to know how their children would learn remotely, and how it would affect their mental health. I reached out to the district coordinator to ask for help, but instead of helping me, she threatened me. I found myself at the end of my career and filing a grievance. I had prayed about how to proceed, and God walked me through it. When I arrived at the meeting with HR, I felt something I had never felt in my entire life. I had prayed for peace before, and I had received it in other situations. However, this was different. This was absolute peace, and it was perfect. I didn’t stress, I didn’t question anything, I just followed as God guided me. It was surreal. I wasn’t stressed or scared, but I was calm and

relaxed. That wasn’t me, it was Him.

I want everyone to know that feeling. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” God keeps his promises, and all we have to do is believe. I am so thankful to have a Father who cares for me the way He does. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, start praying instead of panicking. Remember that you have been through so much, and yet you keep going. We have a beautiful eternity that is a gift from Jesus Christ.

What can we, as Christians, do to help nonbelievers and lukewarm believers feel the peace of Christ? How can we show the love of God to others through our actions?

God, please help me to be a light that guides others to You. Please, Father, help all those with doubts and lack of faith feel your peace.

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