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  • Writer's pictureAmy Voltz

How Do You Keep Christ Front and Center When Everything in the World and in Life is so Busy?

First, you start small. You’re not going to be able to just pick up The Bible and start reading the entire thing in one day. There aren’t enough hours in a day, so don’t even try. Trust me, I’ve tried it enough for both of us. I have tried to read the Bible so many times, and I did really well a few years ago when I read the entire New Testament. Full disclosure, I was sick, in bed, I could not move and I had nothing else going on. I know, that’s not you. And now, Praise God, that’s not me either. 

So let’s start small… Start by including others. It’s always great to have accountability buddies!

I started by writing Bible verses on sticky notes and leaving them on bathroom mirrors and coworkers’ desks. At first I used the same verse over and over: Philippians 4:13

 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

It’s pretty powerful knowing that I can’t do anything on my own, but I can rely on the one who can. It’s also a verse that pretty much everyone has heard and it’s not threatening or polarizing. 

Next I moved to scripture about anxiety. Let’s face it, most, if not all of us are full of anxiety these days so I thought that this verse would bring comfort. So next I moved to: Philippians 4:6-7 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

Ironically, it wasn’t until a few months later that I would fully understand the meaning of this verse and the feeling of that peace that surpasses all understanding and it truly does. 

After using sticky notes with several different handwritten verses, I moved onto the fancy prewritten verses on sticky notes that I could buy online. I thought I was being sneaky, but apparently most people knew me enough to know it was me leaving all these notes around. 

Then I decided to up my Christian game! I don’t mean that to sound disrespectful, but I was trying to figure out a way to beat the world so I could have my time with Christ. I started Selling Mary & Martha. I’ve always enjoyed reading devotional books, so what a great way to take my faith to the next level. And I would suggest the same for you, I don’t mean become a direct seller, I mean start your day with prayer and devotion. It could be as simple as spending a few minutes in prayer, reading a passage from the Bible, or reflecting on a devotional book. 

Only, once again my ADHD would kick in, so I decided to be a little extra. I started recording myself reading devotionals and posting them online in my Facebook VIP Community. That would mean that I would have to do it, right? Well, it went really well for quite a while. I started with a devotional about the women in the Bible, and I loved it. Only part way through I had a cancer scare and had to take a little time away. Praise God it was just my Rheumatoid Arthritis making big lumps in my body, so I was back in business again. This time I knew I had to video a few at a time in case there were days I didn’t feel up to going online. This month I found out that I have Long Covid, and I have actually done a pretty good job of staying up to date with my readings. I love it when my friends comment on them and I also like to tell stories about how I see my friends reflected in the devotional readings. 

Making prayer a continuous conversation with God has always been difficult for me, but it’s something I’m really working on. You can pray silently or aloud while you're doing daily tasks, driving, or even walking. I joke sometimes that I’m a different person when I’m in my car. I get anxious and start cursing, so now I am working on praying while I’m driving and if I happen to get extremely anxious, either I’m calmed, or immediately asking for forgiveness. Seriously, you can do this anywhere or anytime. This is also another way that the sticky notes can help. At work, put them around your computer, in your planner, on your phone, in your wallet, in your drawer, and everywhere you work throughout the day. At home, keep Bible verses or quotes that inspire you in visible places, like on your mirror, your desk, or as notifications on your phone. They can serve as reminders of Christ's presence throughout your day.

Recently, listening to worship music and Christian podcasts has been a great way to keep me connected to Christ. I can listen and worship while I’m cleaning the bathroom or doing the dishes. I can listen to a podcast while I’m taking a bath or doing laundry. Incorporate Christian music or podcasts into your day, especially during activities like cooking, commuting, or exercising. It can help keep your mind focused on Christ and provide encouragement. It can also be a great way to show your children how important it is to spend time with Christ. 

Last week I attended my Grandson’s church, and I really liked it way more than I do my own church. I would love to participate in a Bible study group or small group fellowship where you can discuss Scripture, share experiences, and pray together with other Christian women. However, I often feel awkward becoming involved in such things. I have been involved in online Bible studies and have connected with really wonderful women and felt such a connection with God as well. I’m currently looking for a new Bible study. (If you’re interested, just shoot me a message! I would love to get one going online!)

When I was younger, I always thought about service when I thought about serving God. I thought that serving God meant serving people. And I still believe that. It was so easy when I was working. I spent over 20 years as a school counselor. I was always finding food or clothing for a family, facilitating parenting workshops (which I never felt equipped to lead), or organizing health drives which is one of the things I am most proud of because God trusted me to bring healthcare to hundreds of families. And I know that I am not supposed to feel proud of that accomplishment, but I can’t help but feel proud that He chose me for such works. I know that my works won’t get me to Heaven, but I just feel better doing things for others. I think that’s probably something that most Christians share. I think we all want to make this world a better place. I think we’re all drawn to helping others, and whether we connect it or not, that is serving God. If you can, get involved in volunteer work or community service activities that align with your Christian values. Serving others can be a powerful way to express your faith and share Christ's love with those around you.

Keeping a gratitude journal is another great way to grow closer to God. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by intentionally thanking God throughout your day, whether for blessings, challenges, or simply for His presence. It’s hard to be cranky when you’re already thankful!

Some of these things may be hard to think about for a young mother with young children, or a young mother with teenagers. Finding quiet time for reflection may not be possible, but when you can, set aside quiet time each day to reflect on your faith journey, meditate on Scripture, and listen for God's voice. Take time before bed to reflect on your day, give thanks to God for His blessings, and seek His guidance and peace for the days ahead. This can be done with your children, and it will be a lesson they will pass on to their children. 

Remember, integrating Christ into your daily life is about developing a personal relationship with Him and allowing His presence to permeate every aspect of your life. It's not just about religious rituals but about living out His teachings and embodying His love and grace in your interactions with others.

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