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  • Writer's pictureAmy Voltz

Embracing Imperfection: A Different Approach to Christian Blogging

Updated: Mar 3

If you’re trying to find a blog written by someone who grew up going to church every Sunday, met the love of their life in high school or college, and immediately began their ministry, this is not for you. On the other hand, if you want to hear from someone who did drugs and drank alcohol starting in middle school, got knocked up in college, and raised twin boys by herself while working two jobs and finishing college before kneeling at His altar, then I’m your girl! 

Don’t get me wrong, I was blessed with an invitation to vacation Bible school in one of my random neighbor’s backyards when I was about 8 years old. I was saved in that backyard, and I knew Jesus. I know Jesus. I have felt Jesus throughout my entire life, but then my ADHD kicks in and I head down the wrong path again. You would think it would be easy to remember your Father every minute of every day, but there are so many distractions in this world and the enemy is around every corner. Temptation is everywhere, and I am weak. 

You may wonder why I think I’m equipped to write a Christian blog, and I get that. I’m not a pastor’s wife, I didn’t grow up in a house full of believers, and I’ve sinned my entire life. But… God didn’t always call the worthy. In fact, Paul was a murderer and called himself the “Chief of Sinners.” However, I tend to think of myself more like the woman at the well. I had two children out of wedlock, I’ve been divorced, and “dated” quite a bit in my 30’s. Fortunately for me, God shows us grace when we repent. I know that I will never be worthy, but I know that I have been saved because of Christ. My goal is to encourage others to build their relationship with Christ sooner in life rather than later. It’s definitely a choice to put Him first. I don't know if I am equipped, but I know that I am called to spread the good news!

It’s hard being a mom! Balancing housework, having a career, keeping kids alive, having time with friends, making it to practice and other activities for the kids, coming home, cooking dinner, and everything else is no easy task! How do you find time for Christ? I wish I had thought more about that when my children were young. Every single day was the same! We would get up, get ready, go to work, come home, get ready for practice or whatever activity the kids were doing that night, go home, have dinner, do homework, and go to bed. I wish I would have spent my lunch break in the Bible instead of working through. (I'll never get that time back.) To the single mom doing it all on her own, I see you! To the married mom trying to do it all and have a relationship, I see you! God never wanted us to be this busy!

The one thing I regret more than anything else in my life is the fact that I didn’t do well when it came to teaching my own children about Jesus. I did take them to church when they were younger, but as they grew, so did my depression and chronic fatigue. They were blessed with friends who had Christian parents who invited them along to youth groups and church functions, but I felt guilty for a long time for not providing them with the foundation they needed. Fortunately, one of them learned about Jesus in spite of me. The other seems to have a warped understanding of Christianity.

Now that I’m a grandma, I’m on a mission to make sure that my grandchildren are equipped. I need to know that they are wearing the full armor of God. I need to know that they understand the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. I want them to be ready for the Rapture. I want them to fully understand Isaiah 53:5, "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed."

I don't want to fail my grandchildren the way I feel I failed my children. God gives us new mercies every day so we can change our mistakes, mend those hurt relationships, and make things right. I'm starting this blog so I can reach other busy Christian women and hopefully help them find time for Christ. Most importantly, I hope you know that whatever you've done or whoever you've been, it's never too late to turn back to God. He loves you.

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